Personalized Door Mantle Horseshoe
The legend of the horseshoe over a door is a long standing tradition. The Irish tale is that the devil went to an old wise blacksmith to have his hooves shod. Recognizing the devil, the Smith nailed red-hot shoes deep into the hooves. The Smith refused payment because he knew money from the devil would only bring him bad luck. After walking a distance, the devil realized what the Smith had done and tore the shoes off and has since been afraid of horseshoes. Therefore a shoe hung above a door is said to keep the devil away.
The debate over which way to hang it is just as contentious as the origins of the tradition. Some believe that you should hang it points up (as pictured) to catch luck and keep it for the home. Others believe that you should put it points down so that it forms an Iron arch which is a sign of strength. Others still believe that points down allows for the luck to flow over the house and be passed to all who enter the house. Who knew a little horseshoe could cause such a debate. Personalized to your liking, it’s sure to be a conversation piece no matter which way you hang it.
The legend of the horseshoe over a door is a long standing tradition. The Irish tale is that the devil went to an old wise blacksmith to have his hooves shod. Recognizing the devil, the Smith nailed red-hot shoes deep into the hooves. The Smith refused payment because he knew money from the devil would only bring him bad luck. After walking a distance, the devil realized what the Smith had done and tore the shoes off and has since been afraid of horseshoes. Therefore a shoe hung above a door is said to keep the devil away.
The debate over which way to hang it is just as contentious as the origins of the tradition. Some believe that you should hang it points up (as pictured) to catch luck and keep it for the home. Others believe that you should put it points down so that it forms an Iron arch which is a sign of strength. Others still believe that points down allows for the luck to flow over the house and be passed to all who enter the house. Who knew a little horseshoe could cause such a debate. Personalized to your liking, it’s sure to be a conversation piece no matter which way you hang it.
The legend of the horseshoe over a door is a long standing tradition. The Irish tale is that the devil went to an old wise blacksmith to have his hooves shod. Recognizing the devil, the Smith nailed red-hot shoes deep into the hooves. The Smith refused payment because he knew money from the devil would only bring him bad luck. After walking a distance, the devil realized what the Smith had done and tore the shoes off and has since been afraid of horseshoes. Therefore a shoe hung above a door is said to keep the devil away.
The debate over which way to hang it is just as contentious as the origins of the tradition. Some believe that you should hang it points up (as pictured) to catch luck and keep it for the home. Others believe that you should put it points down so that it forms an Iron arch which is a sign of strength. Others still believe that points down allows for the luck to flow over the house and be passed to all who enter the house. Who knew a little horseshoe could cause such a debate. Personalized to your liking, it’s sure to be a conversation piece no matter which way you hang it.